when we're gone pieces 1-7 on sale

NFT Art: When We're Gone - First 7 Pieces On Sale!

The first 7 pieces from the When We're Gone collection have been put up for sale!  Grab one of our first NFTs!  Use your imagination to make up stories for your post-apocalyptic tabletop RPG based on these images.

When We're Gone

We killed ourselves off many years ago, leaving behind hulking skeletons of what once was.

Now, Mother Nature reclaims Her realm.


Collection Parameters

This collection has a variety of parameters collectors might be interested in knowing more about.

Each NFT is named after the nearest cross-street.  These street names follow the United States naming conventions for streets but have been put into tables according to rarity.

Street names are procedurally generated according to the following rules:

1st Street:
40%: Number 1-100
30% Tree (Pine, Elm, etc)
20% Place (River, Rock, etc)
10%: College

2nd Street:
40% President (Washington, Lincoln, etc)
30% Flower (Rose, Lilac, etc)
20% Mineral (Diamond, Lead, etc)
10% Surname (Jones, Mack, etc)

The most common name should be a number and president (130 and Lincoln, for instance).

The least common name would be a college and a surname (Yale and Jones, for instance).

Another Parameter is the presence of cars. 

Being an urban scene, cars are quite common, but 24% of this collection has NO cars.


Unlockable Content

Each NFT comes with an unlockable 2560 x 1536 high-resolution source file suitable for desktop wallpaper or 8"x10" prints.


Collection Details

Check out the When We're Gone NFT Collection here.

Follow our NFT Collections on Twitter @CyborgPrimeNFTs

Sci Fi Mining Facility 4 Sci Fi Mining Facility 5 Sci Fi Mining Facility 6
   ON SALE NOW!   
  Sci Fi Mining Facility 7  


What Do You Think?

What happened to the people in the city?  Where did they go?  How long have they been gone?

Share your opinions in the Comments section - I'd love to hear your ideas.


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