Traveller RPG Blog


cyborgprime games and 2D Storyteller launch new partnership for VTT content

CyborgPrime Games And 2D Storyteller Launch New Partnership

During these extraordinary times, more and more people are turning to virtual tabletop programs (VTT) to help facilitate their weekly gaming sessions in a socially-distant way.  CyborgPrime Games and 2D Storyteller now join forces to provide quality VTT content to players and GMs!

CyborgPrime Games & 2D Storyteller
Launch New VTT Content Partnership

VTT programs like Roll20, Astral, Foundry VTT, Fantasy Grounds, and others, give GMs and players a shared digital desktop where they can roll dice, display maps, move miniatures, and more.  Some even provide automated character sheets that calculate bonuses and penalties, reduce inventory when items are used, and even provide atmospheric effects such as dynamic lighting, weather effects, sound effects, and tons more features.

To help sci-fi RPG fans save money on their VTT hobby, animated map producer 2D Storyteller has joined forces with CyborgPrime Games to bundle complementary VTT products into money-saving bundle packs on DriveThruRPG.

Their first bundle, VTT Interstellar Explorer’s Bundle, is currently available for purchase.

Grab YOUR copy today!

Hailing Frequencies Open

What types of sci-fi bundle packs would you like to see us colaborate on?

Tell me about it in the Comments Section.  We are interested in hearing about what types of settings you need maps for.


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