Traveller RPG Blog


CyborgPrime Games on Discord

CyborgPrime Games On Discord

Looking for the latest updates on my product line?  Want to get previews of upcoming products before public release?  Want to follow my progress with video game development?  Join me and my friends on Discord!

Join Me On Discord

Discord is a great platform for gamers to build communities.

You can create your own servers, video chat, text chat, share pictures, videos, and links.

CyborgPrime Games has a Discord server where sci-fi gamers can find out info on our latest events, game development projects, get pre-release previews of new products, and meet other sci-fi gaming enthusiasts.

Follow My Game Dev Progress

Are you interested in game development?  Follow my journey in game development.

Cosmic Drifter- A Traveller-inspired JRPG currently in development.  Fight enemies, explore space, and pursue your fortune as you unravel the mystery of your past.

Play Some Games

Bored?  How about some mindless games?

In the Fun and Games channel, you can earn virtual money and purchase virtual items from the tech store.

Leveling Up

All users start at Level 1.

To increase your Tech Level, simply participate in discussions on any channel that allows posts (except for the Fun and Games channel).

Earning Credits

There are a few ways to acquire Credits.

*daily- Collect a daily allowance

*work- Cook up some space pancakes and earn some Credits

*fish- Go fishing and sell your catch

*rob <user>- Try to steal Credits from another user.  There is a chance of being caught and fined by the virtual police.

Managing Your Credits

The best way to protect your Credits from being stolen by other players is by depositing them in the "bank".

*dep <all | amount>- Deposits all your cash on hand or any amount you designate, up to your maximum cash on hand.

*withdraw <amount>- WIthdraw an amount from your bank balance

*bal- check your balance

Buying And Selling Items

You can purchase virtual items from the Tech Store.

Items are restricted by Tech Level. 

*shop- Lists the items available in the shop.  Use *shop <pageNum> to display a certain page of the Shop Menu.

*buy <itemNumber>- Purchase the item with the corresponding number from the Shop Menu.

*sell <itemNumber | itemName>- Sells an item from your inventory.

*inv- Check your inventory

E-mail Notification Opt-in

Do you want to receive email notifications about our latest products, sales, and more?

Sign up on our private mailing list.  We won't spam you or share your info. Unsubscribe at any time.

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CyborgPrime Games on Discord

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CyborgPrime on Patreon

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(505) 490-NERD


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