Traveller RPG Blog


mayday traveller rpg day 2020 event video playlist

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 Now Available As A Playlist

The Mayday Traveller RPG Day 2020 Event was a huge success, but it's hard to watch 9.75 hours of continuous video.  We've edited the event down to 16 individual videos.

Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020

Now Available As A YouTube Playlist

We had a lot of great guests, visitors, prizes, and games on Traveller RPG Day.

The event ran just short of 10 hours!

YouTube was kind enough to record the entire event for us, but the recording starts about 7 minutes before the Event begins and we found out the hard way that you can't edit YouTube videos that are over 6 hrs.

In an effort to make the Event more digestible, I have broken it up into 16 individual videos (most under an hour) and placed them back-to-back in chronological order.  I also removed my cheesy commercials (you can watch them separately LOL).

So here it is.  Watch it all the way through to relive the Mayday! Traveller RPG Day 2020 Event experience, or jump directly to the sections that interest you.



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