Traveller RPG Blog


playtesters wanted

Playtesters Wanted! Do You Want To Be A Playtester For Us?

Have you always wondered how to become a playtester for us? Playtesting is an important part of video game design and game development. It helps me know if there are any sticking points in my products and where I can improve. Find out how to become a playtester to help me make the best products possible!

Open Call For Playtesters

Do You Want To Be A Playtester For Us?  Playtesters Wanted!

Now is your chance to find out how to become a game playtester for CyborgPrime Games.

Simply fill out the Playtester Application and we will contact you if you are selected to participate in a playtest.

Q: Do I need any experience?
A: No, we are looking for players of all experience levels; from newcomers who have never played to players who are GMs and have played for years, and everything in between.

Q: Is this a paid position?
A: No, this is a volunteer position, but your name will be included in the credits as a playtester for games you have tested and you will have my gratitude.

Q: What do I need to get started?
A: Attend a playtesting session you have been selected for.  We will provide everything you need to play.  Play is by remote using VTT and Discord.  VTT will be provided.  All you need is a 4-5 hour block of time, a computer, and an internet connection - we provide the rest!

Q: Do I need to know how to play or how to use a VTT?
A: No, part of my goal is to make content that is easy to use.  We will spend time before the game doing a "session zero" where we discuss the basics of controlling the VTT.  Other functions will be explained as they are encountered during play.

Q: Sounds easy!
A: It is!  Just play games then fill out a survey about your gaming experience afterward.  Fun and simple!

Playtester Application


Hailing Frequencies Open

Are you interested in becoming a playtester?  Have you ever playtested a game before?

Tell me about it in the Comments Section.  I'm interested in your experiences and interest in game playtesting!.


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