Traveller RPG Blog


Traveller RPG Equipment List: Cosmetics Autodoc

Traveller RPG Equipment: Cosmetics Autodoc

Need a new hairdo?  Need that crooked nose straightened out?  Need to go incognito for a while?  Try the new Cosmedoc Cosmetics Autodoc!

 cosmetics autodoc wm

Cosmetic Autodoc (Cosmedoc)

The cosmedoc is a specialized autodoc meant to function as a barber, dentist, cosmetologist, and plastic surgeon. Its extensive fashion database contains every known style of haircut, beard, piercing, tattoo, and makeup configuration.  It can grow and remove hair from anywhere on the head.

It can perform corrective eye surgery and change eye color. It also does facelifts, nose jobs, and so forth.

If given a 3D model, the cosmedoc can reconfigure the patient’s facial structure to look like anybody. The cosmedoc can also remove wrinkles and scars.

The cosmedoc looks like an old-school beauty parlor hair drier that pulls down completely over the patient’s head. If the user doesn’t know what kind of haircut they want, they can ask the cosmedoc to analyze their face and make recommendations.

TL 11


DEX 18

END 18

INT 10

EDU 12


Hull 0

Struct 0 (any damage destroys the delicate cosmedoc)


Integral System (TL 11 medkit)

Specialized (+2) Computer Model 2

Intelligent Interface/1

Expert Medic/2

Expert Cosmetology/1

Haircut/makeup gives +1 DM to SOC skills for 72 hours.

Cosmetic optimization surgery gives +1 DM to SOC skills for 1 month (does not stack with hair/makeup)

Cost: 30Kcr

autodoc hood detail view 4 wm


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