Traveller RPG Blog


Traveller Ships Mortgage Calculator

Traveller Ships Mortgage Calculator

Ship Mortgages, Expenses, and Ship Shares got your brain all fuzzy? Try CyborgPrime's Traveller Ship Mortgage Calculator to take all the pain out of your starship mortgage application.

A Ship Mortgage Can Be An Expensive Obligation

A ship mortgage is a loan from a bank or other lender that helps you finance the purchase of a space vessel.

When you take out a mortgage, you promise to repay the credits you’ve borrowed, plus an agreed-upon interest rate.  The ship itself is used as collateral by the lender, who can charge late fees or even foreclose and repossess the ship in case of defaulting on payments.

The purchaser signs a promissory note with the lender, outlining how they will repay the loan.

The mortgage gives the lender the right to take ownership of the ship and sell it if you don’t make the payments according to the terms you agreed upon in the promissory note.


How To Use the Traveller RPG Ship Mortgage Calculator

Simply enter the purchase cost of the ship you are interested in purchasing.

If you have earned any Ship Shares, enter them in the calculator.

The calculator will tell you what the monthly mortgage fee will be, along with what to expect in ship maintenance costs.

* Please note that crew salaries, fuel, and cargo costs are not included in this calculation.

Traveller RPG Ship Mortgage Calculator

Ship Price (MCr):
Ship Shares:
Monthly Mortgage:
Monthly Maintenance:
Total Monthly Expense:


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