Traveller RPG Blog


CyborgPrime Games on SAFCOcast Traveller podcast

CyborgPrime Games On SAFCOcast - A Traveller Podcast

Looking for a great Traveller-themed podcast?  Check out SAFCOcast!  In this episode, Frank Succardi of CyborgPrime Games and Greg Caires of Virtual Traveller Online are guests.

SAFCOcast: A Traveller-Themed Podcast

Have you ever wanted to listen to a Traveller-based podcast to get ideas for your Traveller game or find out about the latest products and news in the Traveller world?

Well, there is a great, quality Traveller-themed podcast for you to enjoy: The SAFCOcast.

Bob Loftin and Jeff Koenig host the show and cover all kinds of topics, from Alien Androids to Traveller RPG tips and tricks.

In Episode 28, Frank Succardi, President of CyborgPrime Games, along with Greg Caires of Virtual Traveller Online discusses plans for Traveller RPG Mayday Mayday 2022.

Come join me and my new friends for more info on the Traveller Mayday Mayday event and how you can get involved with online gaming during the weekend of the event.


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