Traveller RPG Blog


Craig A Glesner Thornwood-Daarnulud LLC Interview Traveller RPG Mayday 2024

Craig A Glesner Thornwood-Daarnulud LLC Interview Traveller RPG Mayday 2024

Dive into our special Mayday 2024 interview with CraigA. Glesner, exploring the future of Traveller RPG and his unique game design insights.

Traveller RPG Mayday Mayday 2024 Official Event Page

Traveller RPG Mayday Mayday 2024 Official Event Page

Join us April 27-May 1st, 2024, for the 6th Annual Traveller RPG Mayday Mayday Event!  Enjoy interviews with content creators, check out 3D combat demos, play Traveller RPG online, win prizes, AND MORE!

Neil Thorpe of 2D Storyteller Interview Traveller RPG Mayday 2024

Neil Thorpe of 2D Storyteller Interview Traveller RPG Mayday 2024

Discover how Neil Thorpe of 2D Storyteller revolutionizes RPGs with animated and interactive maps in our exclusive Traveller Mayday 2024 interview.

Explore the Uncharted: The Planetary Profile Series

Explore the Uncharted: The Planetary Profile Series

Greetings, intrepid explorers of the galaxy! Are you ready to embark on journeys to worlds unknown, to civilizations uncontacted, and to adventures undreamed of?

Discover the Thrills of the Traveller RPG Mayday Mayday Event

Discover the Thrills of the Traveller RPG Mayday Mayday Event

With the 6th annual Mayday Mayday event coming up in May of 2024, let's take a look back at previous years!

The Artistic Odyssey: Embracing AI Art in a Year of Discovery

The Artistic Odyssey: Embracing AI Art in a Year of Discovery

For over four decades, my artistic voyage has intertwined with the evolution of technology, leading me to explore exciting frontiers where art and innovation converge.

Enhance Your Sci-Fi RPG Sessions with 36 Ingenious Adventure Plot Hooks

Enhance Your Sci-Fi RPG Sessions with 36 Ingenious Adventure Plot Hooks

Unlock a universe of storytelling possibilities with our latest video and PDF guide, offering 36 dynamic sci-fi RPG adventure plot hooks designed to alleviate every Game Master's creative challenges.

Virtual Game Master User Manual

Virtual Game Master User Manual

Celebrate the art of immersive storytelling with the Virtual Game Master, where your choices shape epic adventures in a dynamic text-based game world.

Unleashing the AI Magic: My Journey Creating the AI-Powered Virtual GM

Unleashing the AI Magic: My Journey Creating the AI-Powered Virtual GM

Join CyborgPrime on a revolutionary journey as he crafts the AI-powered Virtual Game Master, an immersive blend of imagination and artificial intelligence shaping the future of solo RPG gaming.

Cosmic Drifter: A Traveller-Inspired Video Game

Cosmic Drifter: A Traveller-Inspired Video Game

Have you ever wanted to play a Traveller-inspired video game? Check out this little sci-fi JRPG video game I'm working on.

From Cryosleep to Crisis - Unraveling the Thrills of AI Virtual GM Gaming

From Cryosleep to Crisis - Unraveling the Thrills of AI Virtual GM Gaming

Embark on a thrilling journey through deep space, from cryosleep to crisis, as we unravel the exhilarating thrills of my AI-powered Virtual Game Master and discover the nuanced story that will leave you speechless.

Veiled Machinations - Secret Societies in Mongoose Traveller RPG

Veiled Machinations - Secret Societies in Mongoose Traveller RPG

In the vast and immersive universe of the Mongoose Traveller RPG, secret societies add intrigue, mystery, and depth to your gameplay.

The Science of Adventure: An Introduction to Science and Technical Skills in Traveller RPG

The Science of Adventure: An Introduction to Science and Technical Skills in Traveller RPG

In the Mongoose Traveller RPG, science and technical skills can play a crucial role in the success of missions and adventures, adding depth and excitement to gameplay through unique talents and knowledge.


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